Correcting a Slight Mistake: The 100th Illinois Saves the 8th Indiana Battery at Chickamauga
A fter losing a third of his command in the short span of 15 minutes on the first day of Chickamauga, Major Charles M. Hammond of the 100th Illinois was eager that the homefolks got the story right. " I noticed in your issue of September 23 rd a slight account of the fight of Saturday afternoon the 19 th and in relation to Davis’s division rescuing the 8 th Indiana Battery and discovered a slight mistake," he commented to the editors of the Wilmington Independent . After describing how the brigade arrived on the field, he wrote " At that moment, troops from Davis’s division came rushing through our lines and a battery from the same division, I think (though have not been able to ascertain positively) ran over us, killing one man and wounding several others. In the meantime, the Rebels were pouring in upon us a raking fire which was returned with interest. At this moment, General [Thomas J.] Wood rode up and ordered the 100 th to charge,...